The Story so Far

Summer is ending, fall is beginning, and I have a few announcements I’d like to make.
In case you missed them when they came out, here are some recent releases:
My cosmic horror story, “For the Night is Long, and I Am Lost Without You”, appeared in Vastarien Volume 5 Issue 1 in June, while my dark fairy tale, “Alba”, appeared on Episode 550 of the Tales to Terrify podcast in August.
And then there are a few things to look forward to:
You’ll meet a very weird detective in my story, “Ex Astris”, which will appear in the upcoming Dim Shores Press anthology Looming Low Volume II. It’s due out in October–and you can preorder it now.
And in March 2023 my first collection, Imago and Other Transformations, will be released by Trepidatio Publishing. I’ll share the preorder information as soon as it’s available.
Speaking of Trepidatio, you can still order my novella Sisters in Arms from them to help set the mood for the change of seasons, and to whet your appetite for Imago.