The 2022 Reading List So Far

Three months into the new year, and three new stories are out in the world.
The first is Waiting for the Worms, an eighties-themed tale of parental alienation and zombies. You can find it in Generation X-Ed from Dark Ink Press, edited by Rebecca Rowland.
Next comes Something After, a haunting story about the secrets families keep. It is part of A Quaint and Curious Volume of Gothic Tales from Brigids Gate Press, edited by Alex Woodroe.
And last–for the moment–comes The Golden Hour, a tale full of sibling rivalry and other dangers. It’s available online in Nightmare Magazine #114, March 2022.
Wait! One more thing–my novella Sisters in Arms from Trepidatio Publishing is still very much available as both paperback and ebook.
More stories will be coming soon, so, as always, updates to follow!