Meet the Author: L. Sprague de Camp

I would like to offer a fresh introduction to L. Sprague de Camp–one of the old guard in the art of speculative fiction. He is, among other things, the author of The Compleat Enchanter, rejuvinator of Conan the Barbarian, biographer of Robert E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft, and master of sword and sorcery.

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Read This: A Canticle for Leibowitz

Walter M. Miller, Jr’s A Canticle for Leibowitz is a novel heavy with philosophical observations about faith, hope, and human frailty in the long wake of a nuclear apocalypse. The following is what I took away with me.

In broad outline, A Canticle for Leibowitz tracks the progress of humanity over the eighteen centuries following a worldwide nuclear apocalypse.

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Lots of Borribles

Read This: The Borribles

Michael de Larrabeiti’s novel follows eight Borribles, who are selected to go on a grand campaign to rid London of the scourge of the Rumbles. Rumbles hate the Borribles as much as the Borribles hate them.

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