A New Summer Reading List

Well, the six months since my last update went by quickly! While we were all busy emerging from our pandemic isolation, I saved up a few announcements. I am fortunate to share the following tables of contents with a slew of very talented writers, so if you are in search of some summer reading material, look no further:
My necromantic novella, Homecoming, appeared in Dim Shores Presents Volume 2 in January.
My vampire flash fiction piece, “And Lucy Fell”, appeared in Nightmare Magazine #101 in February.
And my weird subterranean horror story, “The Grave of Angels”, appeared in Vastarien Volume 4 Issue 1 in June.
In the coming-soon department, my ecological horror story, Underneath, will appear in (available for preorder now!) Green Inferno: The World Celebrates Your Demise in July, and my not-quite-a-vampire tale, “In the Land of Nod”, will be in an upcoming issue of Nightmare. And my weird novella, Sisters in Arms, is on its way from Trepidatio Publishing.
That’s it for now! There are several more stories in the pipeline, including one in the forthcoming charity anthology, Nightmares in Yellow. If things fall into place, I may be lucky enough to have a second summer reading list! As ever, updates to follow.