A Little Light Reading for A Long Dark Night

This year is slowly improving, after all.
In that mood, I am happy to announce three more publications for your perusing pleasure.
First up, my story ”Still” appears in the slightly-delayed but always timely Mythic Magazine #14. The mag is undergoing some changes to its publication schedule right now, but its catalog is readily available. You can pick up this and older issues here.
My retelling of the Orpheus myth, “As Below, So Above” appears in the fine magazine Lamplight Volume 9 Issue 1. You can order the current issue in any format you’d like here, or pick up a four-issue annual subscription.
Additionally, a reprint of my Robert W. Chambers-inspired story “The Traveller” is included in the new anthology Strange Aeon: 2020, where it shares the pages with fifteen other Lovecraftian tales.
And don’t forget to pre-order Dim Shores Presents Volume 2, which contains my novella, Homecoming. The first 150 copies will be on creme paper stock, be hand-numbered, and include an art print
That’s all for now–but as always, updates to follow.